Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The start of movies these days...

Don't you hate it, you are in the cinema, you've sat through 20 minutes of mindnumbingly bad adds and you're ready for the movie. So it finally starts and you're thinking Wow this is an incredible start to the movie. Then you realise, this ain't the movie its a logo for the productin company!! Why did they suddenly start making these logos that are like 1 minute movie clips? You think you are watching the intro to a movie but now its just Spyglass' logo or a random production company.

What happened to the good old days where they would just flash the logo on the screen before the movie. It's unstoppable, these things are getting so advanced you don't know when the logo ends and the movie begins. Sometimes the logo has the best visual effects in the whole movie! Someone stop the madness please.

They could atleast give us a warning! Like the logo is about to begin, this is not the start of the movie, and then play it. I've been fooled too many times by these damn logos!


Blogger Amanda said...

i like to try to guess the company before the name comes up, gotta have something to do..

1:18 PM  
Blogger 5ivestarcomedy said...

Hi. I think your blog is really funny and I totally side with you on the movie logos. Now I would also like to say if you get in contact with me I would love to talk about more subjects you are talking about and things you will say in future blogs.

8:55 PM  

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